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Native Expressions Opening Big Hit!

Becky Olvera Schultz (center) with Native Expressions guests

On Saturday, March 4th, over 75 enthusiastic visitors attended the opening of Native Expressions, an outstanding and original art exhibit by Becky Olvera Schultz. Excited visitor enjoyed 44 mixed media pieces including clay and gourd masks, painted rawhide shields, photographs, and serigraphs.

Downstairs in the museum's leaning center, the five women drummers in the group Unole, preformed songs in Cherokee to a steady audience.

Becky Olvera Schultz (center, back) with Unole Women's Drum Group

Becky mixed with visitors and happily answered questions. Attendees were particularly impressed by the larger masks of the faces of painted warriors, including one particularly powerful work with bison horns and fur.

All pieces, as well as beautifully photographed greeting cards, are for sale and will grace the museum until June 29, 2019. Teresa Saltzman, MAI's Director did an excellent job of coordinating the many elements involved in setting up this exhibit—thank you, Teresa for all your hard work.

Native Expression opening attendees admire Becky Olvera Schultz's artwork.

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